
Check out our latest sermons to watch and listen to biblical preaching!

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18 Aug 2024_Luke 10:23-37
Blessed are the eyes that see what you see

18 Aug 2024_Mark 7:31-37
God keeps his promises

11 Aug 2024_2 Samuel 12:1-13
You are the one

4 Aug 2024_Corinthians 12:1-11
You are special

28 July 2024_1 Corinthians 10
In Christ Alone your faith will rest for sure

21 July 2024_Genesis 2
God's great invention of marriage

14 July 2024_Matthew 7:15-23
"Lord keep us steadfast in your Word"

7 July 2024_Matthew 5:20-26
Drop Everything and be reconciled | Love comes from God

30 June 2024_Luke 5:1-11
Do not be afraid

23 June 2024_Luke 6:36-42
Help me say the right thing| Judge not less you be judged

16 June 2024_Luke 15:1-10
God’s love is deeper than we can comprehend

9 June 2024_Isaiah 6:1-8
Holy Word Opening Service.